Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Billionaires, shadowy groups fuel pricey election

(AP) ? Billionaires, anonymous donors and shadowy outside groups funneled enormous amounts of money into this year's federal elections, as the cost of the presidential campaign surged past $2 billion and is expected to set a record. Despite grumbling among watchdog groups and even candidates themselves, don't expect serious changes any time soon.

After a series of high-profile federal court rulings, the U.S. government's newly relaxed campaign-finance system allowed for unlimited contributions from corporations, labor groups and others; television advertisements from nonprofit groups that concealed who paid for them and the proliferation of at least 773 super political action committees.

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney experienced both extremes from super PACs: Some attacked him mercilessly during the primary elections and others have supported Romney's campaign by purchasing ads assailing President Barack Obama.

The money race was as important as ever this election. Super PACs supporting Obama and Romney spent more than $500 million in ads, helping Romney especially in battleground states. Nonprofit "social welfare" organizations have spent hundreds of millions more on so-called issue ads, but they are governed by tax laws and don't have to disclose their donors.

Each presidential campaign raised more than $800 million, a staggering sum. Obama had shattered records four years ago when his fundraising apparatus pulled in $750 million. That amount raised by the presidential candidates is dwarfed by amounts being spent collectively on congressional campaigns.

"The general election story here will turn out to be the key role that super PACs have played in contested Senate races and some congressional races," said Trevor Potter, a former chair of the Federal Election Commission and an advocate of campaign-finance reform. "The amount of money is massive."

Proponents of tougher limits on money in politics said they worry about the potential for corruption, but they aren't optimistic about changes to the system. The Disclose Act in Congress, which would have forced campaigns to identify donors who gave more than $10,000, failed in the Senate.

The relaxed spending rules aren't upsetting everyone, including advocates who said unlimited contributions amount to political speech protected by the First Amendment. Some said rules requiring campaigns to identify donors violate a person's right to anonymous speech.

Whatever the case, the new rules have effectively allowed some donors to remain anonymous, such as in the case of a super PAC helping conservative candidates. FreedomWorks for America reported more than $5.2 million in donations during the first half of October ? about 90 percent of the group's fundraising haul ? from an apparent shell company in Knoxville, Tenn.

The money came from a company, Specialty Group Inc., established five days before it made its first contributions; that money has paid for more than $1.5 million in last-minute ad buys. A FreedomWorks spokeswoman declined to say whether its campaign finance report would be amended, saying the group doesn't comment on its donors.

Yet FreedomWorks isn't alone on its spending spree, particularly at the last minute as Election Day approaches. More than $1 billion has been spent this election cycle on independent expenditures from outside groups, and nearly $900 million is spent opposing candidates, according to figures compiled by the nonprofit group Sunlight Foundation.

In Nevada, for instance, those groups have dumped spent more than $5 million on just one House race. Most of that cash has gone toward opposing the Democratic candidate, Nevada state Sen. Steven Horsford. It came in part from Crossroads GPS, the nonprofit arm of the American Crossroads super PAC, which doesn't have to reveal its donors.

At the presidential level, both Obama and Romney have spent considerable time at fundraising events courting wealthy donors. Romney last month lamented the time he spent on fundraising, rather than speaking to larger groups of voters.

Obama and Romney have raised considerable money from small donors, too, especially the president's legion of more than 4 million donors. Still, individual donations of $20 or even $50 are dwarfed by money from Las Vegas casino mogul Sheldon Adelson ? the top super PAC donor this year ? who contributed more than $40 million to Republican super PACs, including those backing Romney and former candidate and House Speaker Newt Gingrich. For Obama, high-profile figures like Hollywood producer Jeffrey Katzenberg have donated millions of dollars to super PACs supporting him.

Federal rules require timely disclosure for super PACs, but determining who's behind big donations isn't always easy. In summer 2011, a fledgling company dissolved shortly after making a $1 million contribution to a super PAC supporting Romney. Records showed that the company, established and closed over a four-month period, was formed by Ed Conard, a Romney supporter who once worked with the former Massachusetts governor at the private equity firm Bain Capital.


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Associated Press


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Breast-cancer checks save lives despite over diagnosis

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New tool aims to ensure software security policies reflect user needs

ScienceDaily (Oct. 30, 2012) ? Researchers from North Carolina State University and IBM Research have developed a new natural language processing tool that businesses or other customers can use to ensure that software developers have a clear idea of the security policies to be incorporated into new software products.

Specifically, the research focuses on access control policies (ACPs), which are the security requirements that software developers need to bear in mind when developing new software. For example, an ACP for a university grading program needs to allow professors to give grades to students, but should not allow students to change the grades.

"These ACPs are important, but are often buried amidst a lengthy list of other requirements that customers give to developers," says Dr. Tao Xie, an associate professor of computer science at NC State and co-author of a paper on the research. These requirements are written in "natural language," which is the conversational language that people use when talking or corresponding via the written word.

Incomplete or inaccurate ACP requirements can crop up, for example, if the customer writing the ACP requirements makes a mistake or doesn't have enough technical know-how to accurately describe a program's security needs.

A second problem is that programmers may misinterpret some ACP requirements, or overlook them entirely.

In collaboration with IBM Research, Xie's research team has developed a solution that uses a natural language processing program to extract the ACP requirements from a customer's overall list of requirements and translate it into machine-readable language that computers can understand and enforce.

After the ACPs are extracted, they can be run through Access Control Policy Tool (ACPT) -- also developed in Xie's research team in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) -- which verifies and tests the ACPs and determines whether the ACP requirements are adequate to meet the security needs of the program.

Once the ACP requirements have been translated into machine-readable language, they can also be incorporated into a policy-enforcement "engine" in the final software product -- which ensures that ACPs cannot be overlooked by programmers.

"In general, developing a program that understands natural language text is very challenging," Xie says. "However, ACP requirements in software documents usually follow a certain style, using terms such as 'cannot be edited' or 'does not have the ability to edit.' Because ACPs tend to use such a limited number of phrases, it is much easier to develop a program that effectively translates natural language texts in this context."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by North Carolina State University.

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IVR Process Can Challenge Sex Life | Psych Central News

By Rick Nauert PhD Senior News Editor
Reviewed by John M. Grohol, Psy.D. on October 31, 2012

IVR Process Can Challenge Sex LifeA new study discovers that infertility treatment can negatively impact a women?s sex life. Despite the importance of sex in conceiving a child, little attention has been given to the sexual dynamics of couples as they work to overcome infertility challenges.

?Sex is for pleasure and for reproduction, but attention to pleasure often goes by the wayside for people struggling to conceive,? said Nicole Smith, a doctoral student with Indiana University?s Center for Sexual Health Promotion.

Smith is conducting the study in collaboration with Jody Lyne? Madeira, Ph.D.

?With assisted reproductive technologies (ART), couples often report that they feel like a science experiment, as hormones are administered and sex has to be planned and timed. It can become stressful and is often very unromantic and regimented; relationships are known to suffer during the process.?

Researchers say the study is one of the first in the United States to examine women?s sexual experiences while undergoing assisted reproductive technologies. Investigators used a Sexual Functioning Questionnaire to assess the impact of IVF treatment on couples? sexual experiences.

Compared to a sample of healthy women, women undergoing IVF reported significantly less sexual desire, interest in sexual activity and satisfaction with their sexual relationship. They had more difficulty with orgasm and were more likely to report sexual problems such as vaginal pain and dryness.

Experts have recognized that emotional and relationship challenges intensify as a couple?s use of ART proceeded. Attention to challenges in having sex has somehow escaped the purview of key parties.

When couples meet with their physicians, their sex life might not top the list of issues they want to discuss, either because of unease talking about the subject or simply because they have so many other important issues to discuss.

Still, Smith and Madeira say, the doctor-patient relationship is key, and couples can be told up front about the potential sexual side effects and resources that can help.

If they have issues with dryness, for example, they could be counseled on remedies such as purchasing lubricant or other sexual enhancement products. In addition to referring couples to mental health counselors, reproductive endocrinologists could also refer them to sex therapists.

?There?s just a dearth of knowledge on how infertility affects sexual behavior,? Madeira said. ?The focus is more likely to be on the social and support dimensions of the relationship, but sex is a big part of that. Just letting patients know they aren?t alone in this would be helpful.?

If more information about sexual challenges becomes available, couples might find it on their own.

?Women interested in ART are generally well-educated and tend to spend time researching these issues,? Madeira said. ?They would be very responsive to this information, and proactive.?

The study involved 270 women who completed an online questionnaire; interviews with 127 men and women using IVF to try to conceive; and interviews with 70 professionals, including physicians, nurses, mental health experts and other providers who work directly with patients.

IVF is a procedure in which mature eggs are retrieved from a woman?s ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab, forming embryos. The embryo(s) are then implanted in the woman?s uterus. It is considered an effective procedure but one that is used after couples try several other less invasive procedures.

By the time couples begin IVF, they might have been trying to conceive for many years. Nine percent of the women in their study had been through five IVF cycles, which could take at least a year.

Here are some of their other findings:

  • Women who reported being sexually active with a partner in the past month also were more likely to engage in masturbation and report fewer sexual problems;
  • The women reported similar problems with sexual function regardless of the type or source of infertility involved: male factor, female factor, or both male and female factor;
  • Hormonal treatments used in assisted reproductive technologies likely affect women?s sexual experiences and pain, but these effects are not as well understood and receive less priority than other conditions, such as heart disease and cancer.

Source: Indiana University

APA Reference
Nauert PhD, R. (2012). IVR Process Can Challenge Sex Life. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 31, 2012, from



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