Sunday, March 25, 2012

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Social Media Toolkit: a practical guide to social media for small ...

itswhattheuserdoesIt seems to me that everyone is trying to figure out the role of social media for their organization, whatever size it is.

As more people become become more clued-up about the potential of what social media tools and channels can enable them them do ? as well as not do ? so the need for better understanding of relevant potential is quite clear.

To me, this view is summed up simply and clearly in this cartoon by Hugh MacLeod from 2007: as the text says, it?s not what the software does, it?s what the user does.

That?s a foundational principle behind The Social Media Toolkit, a free guide to social media seen through the lens of small and medium business, formally launched today by Dell. It?s a product I?m especially pleased with as I?ve been involved in its creation, working on it with Kerry Bridge at Dell for the past few months.

Kerry and I offered a glimpse of the toolkit content in our joint presentation at Social Media Week London in February. Well, now you get to see the whole thing.


The toolkit comes in two guises:

  1. The Social Media Toolkit website ? content presented in a modular format, with easy-to-find sections linked throughout the site. It enables opportunities for including new and updated content over time, and offers a place on the social web integrated within Dell?s overall web presence that?s linkable and shareable.
  2. The Social Media Toolkit PDF ? a document of 100+ pages that contains all the content of the website at launch, offering you an opportunity to read that content offline or print out pages, if you wish to do that. The PDF is available for open viewing on Slideshare; you can also download a copy for free in exchange for providing Dell with your contact information.

In both instances, what you get includes practical information on topics like these:

  • Social media policies and guidelines
  • Confidentiality and privacy
  • Community guidelines
  • Social media and crisis communications
  • Best practices in other organizations
  • How to develop a social media strategy
  • Choosing your social media channels
  • Measurement and influence
  • Tips from social media experts
  • Practical advice to get started
  • And more

dellsmbchatTo complement the launch of the toolkit, and to address the point I made earlier about the need for better understanding of the relevant potential of social media, Dell is running a number of tweet chats in the coming months centred on the hashtag #DellSMBChat.

The first tweet chat will be on Tuesday March 27, 2012, at 8pm UK / 3pm EDT. I?ll be moderating the discussion.

Detailed information about the tweet chat and how you can take part is in a post on Dell?s SMB blog ? in essence, just follow the hashtag on Twitter ? but here?s the list of topics up for discussion:

  • What is the future of social media for small and medium businesses?
  • What is the primary reason you are using (or considering using) social media for your business?
  • What social media channel do you find of most value to your business?
  • What primary tools do you use to listen to what your customers are saying online about your company and products?
  • Does your company have social media guidelines to enable employees to engage online with customers effectively?

If you?re running or working in a small or medium business, join us next Tuesday for an hour of discussion designed to help you see how to engage and interact more effectively online, learning from the experiences of others who have leveraged social media. If you have an opinion or a question, share it in the conversation.

In the meantime, please make use of The Social Media Toolkit ? a useful resource for small and medium businesses.

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Sarkozy: Jail those who browse terror websites

PARIS (AP) ? France's president proposed a sweeping new law Thursday that would see repeat visitors to extremist web sites put behind bars ? one of several tough measures floated in the wake of a murderous shooting spree.

The proposed rules, unveiled by Nicolas Sarkozy after the death of an Islamist fanatic wanted for a horrifying series of execution-style murders, have alarmed journalists and legal experts, who say they risk pulling the plug on free expression.

Sarkozy, who is only a month away from an election, argued that it was time to treat those who browse extremist websites the same way as those who consume child pornography.

"Anyone who regularly consults Internet sites which promote terror or hatred or violence will be sentenced to prison," he told a campaign rally in Strasbourg, in eastern France. "Don't tell me it's not possible. What is possible for pedophiles should be possible for trainee terrorists and their supporters, too."

French law calls for up to two years in prison and ?30,000 (roughly $40,000) in fines for repeat visitors to child porn sites, although whether the proposed anti-terror rules would carry similar penalities isn't clear.

When asked, Sarkozy's office directed a query seeking details to the Ministry of Justice, which didn't immediately offer clarification.

Journalists and lawyers are concerned.

"Trying to criminalize a visit ? a simple visit ? to a website, that's something that seems disproportionate," said Lucie Morillon, who runs the new media bureau of journalists' watchdog group Reporters Without Borders.

"What's especially worrying for us is how you are going to know who's looking at what site. Does this announcement mean the installation of a global Internet surveillance system in France?"

Media lawyer Christophe Bigot seconded her concerns, saying that any such law ? if passed ? would be a serious blow to the democratic credentials of a country that considers itself the home of human rights.

"I don't see how you can assume that a person who connects (to an extremist website) not only shares the ideas that are being expressed there but is ready to act on them," Bigot said. "That seems to be a very dangerous shortcut ? a real step back in terms of individual liberty."

Bigot said it wasn't clear to him to what degree Sarkozy's proposals were serious. In any case, France's Parliament isn't in session, but could be called back for urgent legislation. Otherwise, an eventual law would be contingent on Sarkozy's reelection.

The tightening presidential race has been upended by the shooting rampage blamed on Mohamed Merah, a 23-year-old Frenchman of Algerian descent who allegedly killed three French paratroopers, three Jewish schoolchildren and a rabbi before dying in a violent confrontation with police in the southern French city of Toulouse earlier Thursday.

Sarkozy has France's far-right nipping at his heels, so he's been under pressure to appear tough. A poll released Thursday by the CSA firm suggested that Sarkozy may benefit politically from a hardening of attitudes toward extremist violence.

Morillon said she understood the emotional appeal of a crackdown on online radicalization in the wake of such atrocities.

Still, she said, "you have to be careful not to attack the wrong target."

"Once more it's the Internet that's being blamed, as if the Internet was the source of all evil."



Raphael Satter can be reached at:


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Friday, March 23, 2012

Kuwait Played Borat's Hilariously Obscene Fake Anthem as the Real Kazakhstan National Anthem [Video]

Winning a sporting event while representing your country is supposed to be a moment of pride—standing atop the medal podium, hearing your national anthem, feeling all your hard work pay off. Not for this Kazakhstan athlete in Kuwait. Kuwait accidentally blared Borat's obscene parody anthem thinking it was Kazakhstan's real anthem. More »


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TODAYonline | World | UK Finance Minister cuts top income tax rate

LONDON - Britain's Finance Minister has cut the rate of tax the country's wealthiest citizens will pay but insisted the rich will pay more through a raft of measures to prevent tax avoidance and a punitive new charge on expensive property sales.

In his annual Budget statement yesterday, Mr George Osborne said he was cutting the top rate from 50 pence in the pound to 45 pence by April next year, arguing that the original higher rate did not yield as much as expected - partly because the rich were able to avoid tax.

Mr Osborne sought to deflect any criticism that any largesse was confined to the wealthy by announcing a big hike in the level that Britons start paying tax to ?9,205 (S$18,430). The cost of that measure will cost the Treasury around ?3.3 billion in 2013 to 2014.

"Together, the British people will share in the effort and share the rewards," Mr Osborne said at the conclusion of his hour-long statement. "This country borrowed its way into trouble, now we're going to earn our way out."

The 50 pence tax rate was introduced by the previous Labour government in response to the sharp deterioration in the country's public finances in the wake of a banking crisis that led to the country's deepest recession since World War II.

Mr Osborne insisted that the rich should pay a bigger proportion of their income than the poor and said he was offsetting the cut in the top rate by other taxes on wealth, including a new 7 per cent charge on the sale of houses valued over ?2 million.

Most of those are primarily located in London, which has been the favoured second home of choice for many of the world's super-rich. Mr Tony Ryland, a senior tax partner at London Chartered Accountants Blick Rothenberg, said the changes will have "a major effect on the London housing market, potentially driving away overseas buyers".

The leader of the Labour opposition, Mr Ed Miliband, pounced on Mr Osborne's decision to cut the top rate of tax, mocking him for his oft-repeated mantra that "we're all in this together" and that he had failed the fairness test.

"After today's Budget, millions will be paying more while millionaires pay less," Mr Miliband said.

Overall, the budget measures were broadly neutral - Mr Osborne has little room for manoeuvre, given the government's primary plan to dramatically reduce borrowing and the recent warnings from credit ratings agencies that the country risks losing its cherished triple A credit rating if the public finances don't improve as planned.

Mr Osborne has also been constrained by the muted recovery from recession. He said Britain's economy would likely to grow by 0.8 per cent this year, according to independent forecasts from the Office for Budget Responsibility, which is tasked by government to come up with economic projections.

That's slightly higher than the 0.7-per-cent increase it forecast as recently in November. AP


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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fear of Commitment ? The Honest Courtesan

Man is a question; woman is an answer. ?The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.? ? ?Jos? Bergam?n

For several decades the idea that men are ?afraid of commitment? has been a feminist shibboleth ? despite the fact that it flies in the face of normal women?s experiences.? In my experience and that of most women I know, men nearly always say ?I love you? first and it?s women who shun commitment; I?ve received dozens of marriage proposals in my life, but only accepted two.? The male-commitment-phobia myth dates to the late 20th century; in both fiction and personal accounts written before that it?s always the man depicted as expressing his love, serenading beneath the balcony, proposing multiple times before his inamorata finally says ?yes?, etc.? The truth of the matter is that men are only afraid of commitment to the same degree as women are:? namely, they fear committing to the wrong person.? But rather than admitting that the reason men wouldn?t express love or pursue marriage with them might be their fault, many feminist writers of the last quarter of the 20th century elected instead to blame it on the men.

It isn?t that all feminists have obnoxious personality traits which turn men off to them (as MRA-types might claim), nor that men are ?afraid of strong women? (as radical feminists might claim).? I doubt anyone would disagree that I?m a strong woman, and I?ve been beating men off with a stick for almost 30 years.? The problem is that feminism stupidly encouraged women to act in a way that turns men off.? Women who say ?I love you? first are like women who ask men out or propose sex; they come across as needy, and many men are turned off by it.? A woman who is too ready to express love or give away sex for free triggers a reaction in a typical man?s brain that ?something must be wrong with her or else she?d be more aloof?; he?ll probably accept the free sex, but won?t be interested in anything else. ?This recent article?shows that men usually profess love first, and explains why it?s so:

The [phrase] ?I love you? is symbolic as it represents romantic devotion; a desire to bring the relationship to a higher, more serious level?A common perception is that men are likely to exercise caution in the use of such words while women, who are thought to have stronger feelings of love, are likelier to be first to profess love?Yet a study?by?Norman Li?[of Singapore Management University]?found that men are more likely to make the first move.? Furthermore, the onset of sexual activity also influences how a recipient might react to a three-worded confession as such.? In their paper??Let?s Get Serious: Communicating Commitment In Romantic Relationships?, [Li and two co-]authors said that an evolutionary perspective has been ?particularly fruitful?in accounting for the costs and benefits underlying specific patterns of romantic behaviour? and based their hypotheses from several principles in economics and evolutionary biology?

The first principle?considered?is parental investment, which states that because reproductive success is the primary driver of natural selection, the biological sex that makes the greater ?minimum obligatory investment? (typically females) in conceiving will tend to be more?choosy than the other sex?because women have more to lose than men by making poor mating choices, they have a stronger motivation to choose carefully and wisely??sexual intercourse represents the core event for which parental investment pressures are relevant?Meeting a romantic partner?s parents may feel like a big step in a relationship, but it plays a comparatively minor role in terms of the minimum obligatory costs a person must expend in fertilisation and child rearing,? [the authors said].? And because committed, long-term relationships often involve sexual activity, ?confessions of love may be used to achieve sexual access by (truthfully or insincerely) announcing long-term romantic interest.?

This assessment suggests that men will be relatively more interested in seeking this access at the outset of a relationship, led the authors to hypothesise that men would likelier confess love first?A series of surveys?about perceptions of romantic relationships?[were used] to test the hypotheses?[and] 70 percent of the couples reported that it was the man who had confessed love first?contrary to the belief that women might be more keen to pledge love and commitment, it is, in fact, men who are more likely to do so first ? albeit to encourage sexual activity. ?Women, on the other hand, may prefer to delay such expressions until they have evaluated their partners satisfactorily?

While the common perception may be that women tend to feel happier than men when they are told ?I love you? for the first time in a relationship, an evolutionary-economics perspective suggests otherwise??If love confessions are bids for sexual access, then women should respond less positively than men to confessions that occur prior to the onset of sexual activity in a relationship?In relationships in which sex occurs before love is confessed, they should be more motivated to seek investment, potentially in the form of commitment,? they wrote.? This would mean that women should feel more positive about receiving a post-sex than a pre-sex confession of love while men are likely to respond better to pre-sex confessions as they may perceive them as ?signals of sexual opportunity? ?survey results?showed that male respondents exhibited less happiness in response to hearing ?I love you? after sex had occurred in a relationship versus before sex?[while] female respondents showed a higher level of happiness when they are told ?I love you? after sex?

Here we have another ?dog bites man? thing; any woman who believes that other women set great stock in professions of love which come prior to first sexual contact is either virginal or delusional.? Before sex, ?I love you? might simply be a ploy to get in one?s pants; if, as the song says, he still loves you tomorrow, that?s meaningful.

The reason so many feminists sabotage their relationships from the outset is that they are hampered by a deep misunderstanding of ?the power dynamics of such relationships.? A woman who wants the appearance of ?equality? might try to ?take the lead?, which as in dancing is very disruptive if her partner expects to play that role.? So he gets a bit turned off by it and (consciously or unconsciously) cools toward her, and she responds by chasing harder which spooks him more.? The more she tries to lead the more he imitates one of the Beatles running from screaming fans, so she goes off and writes a stupid article for some women?s magazine stating that ?men are afraid of commitment?; eventually so many feminists do the same that the myth is established even among impressionable women whose personal experiences are exactly the opposite.? The saddest part of all this is that, though many feminists want to believe that being the aggressor in a relationship is a position of strength, it?s actually one of weakness; which position is stronger, that of the soldier running up the beach or that of the defender in his machine-gun emplacement?? But some feminists are so completely invested in believing that men have the advantage in everything that they abandon their positions of strength in one of the areas where women hold the high ground, and then wonder why they keep losing battles.

One Year Ago Yesterday

?The First Time??discusses men who opt to use honest cash rather than dishonest professions of love to obtain their first sexual experiences.

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Budget offers tax relief for UK videogames industry (Wired UK)

To illustrate its commitment to make the UK the "technology hub of Europe", the government has announced a series of initiatives including corporate tax reliefs for the videogames, animation and high-end TV industries.

The plans to introduce corporation tax reliefs from April 2013 for these high-tech industries were revealed in this year's Budget. The tax breaks have been welcomed by videogames trade body Tiga, which has lobbied for them for six years.

Chancellor George Osborne said in his statement: "The film tax credit, protected in our spending review, helped generate over ?1 billion of film production investment in the UK last year alone." He added that the new tax break would help stop premium British TV programmes such as Birdsong being made abroad, attract top international investors and support "our brilliant video games and animation industries" too.

Sue Crawford, partner and head of the Tax group at Wiggin LLP, said: "The Chancellor's announcement for tax relief for the UK video games industry is most welcome. The UK has slipped from 3rd to 6th place in this sector in the last five years as other countries, [such as] Canada, France and Korea, have surged forward, propped up as they are by tax credits. This relief will prevent the brain drain and downturn in staff recruitment for the UK's games industry and help bolster recruitment for the bright young design and technology students that are leaving our universities jobless."

The exact details of the tax breaks will most likely be revealed in the Finance Bill which is published on Thursday 29 March.

The government also announced that it has selected Belfast, Birmingham, Bradford, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Leeds, London, Manchester and Newcastle as its super-connected cities as part of a ?100 million investment announced during the Autumn Statement. An additional ?50 million has been set aside to fund a second wave of ten smaller "super-connected"cities.

Some ?60 million will be used to establish a UK centre of aerodynamics which will support innovation in aerospace technology and a new ?100 million fund will be used to support investment in university research facilities, opening for bids this year. It will attract additional co-investment from the private sector.

The government will also set up two Catapult Centres -- one for transport and one for future cities -- by 2013. These aim to bring together universities with IT companies and SMEs to commercialise technologies more quickly. There are also plans to reform the Enterprise Management Incentive scheme, which helps SMEs recruit and retain talent, by providing additional support to help startups access the scheme by doubling the individual grant limit to ?250,000.

All government information will be published on a single domain by the end of 2012 and will move to a "digital by default" approach to its transactional services by 2015. This is something that was promised at the launch of the Government Digital Service in December 2011.

Outside of the tech sector, corporation tax will be cut from next month by one percentage point to 24 percent, falling to 22 percent in 2014, something that should help drive investment to the UK.

Chancellor George Osborne announced cuts to the top rate of income tax from 50p to 45p on the pound and an increase in the basic personal tax allowance from ?7,475 to ?9,205. Meanwhile child benefits will be cut from families where households are earning more than ?50,000. Perhaps the least popular announcement has been the decision to scrap income tax breaks for the over-65s. Thanks to inflation, more than four million people will be ?83 worse off by 2014, while 360,000 pensioners will lose ?285 per year.

You can read the full Budget document here.


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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

N.Korea blasts Seoul over upcoming summit

North Korea Wednesday sharpened its criticism of an upcoming Seoul summit, saying any South Korean attempt to address the North's nuclear programme at the meeting would be seen as a declaration of war.

The March 26-27 nuclear security summit, to be attended by US President Barack Obama and other world leaders, will focus on tackling nuclear terrorism.

But the North's atomic programme -- and its widely condemned announcement of a planned rocket launch -- will be debated intensively on the sidelines.

The US, Chinese and other leaders will discuss ways to press Pyongyang to scrap its launch when they meet next week, South Korea's President Lee Myung-Bak said in interviews published Wednesday.

The North has previously blasted the event -- the South's biggest-ever diplomatic gathering -- as an "unsavoury burlesque" intended to justify an atomic attack by South Korea and its US ally.

"If there is any provocative act such as the issuance of a so-called statement concerning 'the North's nuclear issue' at the Seoul conference, it would constitute an extreme insult" to the North's deceased leaders who made denuclearisation their final wish, its official news agency said Wednesday.

"Taking part in traitor Lee Myung-Bak's devilish act would only worsen the situation on the Korean peninsula all the more," it said in a commentary.

"Any provocative act would be considered as a declaration of war against us and its consequences would serve as great obstacles to talks on the denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula."

The North's official media frequently refers to the likelihood of war breaking out.

Its announcement of a rocket launch between April 12-16 -- purportedly to put a satellite into orbit -- has jeopardised a nuclear freeze deal reached only weeks ago with the United States.

The US and its allies see the plan as a pretext for a long-range missile test, which is banned under a UN Security Council resolution passed after the North's missile and nuclear tests in 2009.

Washington says any launch would also breach a bilateral deal which offered 240,000 tonnes of US food aid in return for a partial nuclear freeze and a suspension of missile tests.

The North insists a peaceful satellite launch is not a missile test but even its close ally China has expressed concern.

"The North's move to launch the so-called satellite has created a new topic of discussions at the summit, and it's an urgent timing," Lee said in interviews with the International Herald Tribune and other media.

"The five nations share similar views on this," he said, referring to the US, Japan, China, Russia and his own country.

All are members of the six-party talks, which has been struggling since 2003 to halt the North's nuclear weapons drive through negotiations.

"The best option is for the five nations to try to persuade North Korea to cancel the plan," Lee said.

His Unification Minister Yu Woo-Ik separately called the launch provocative and a senseless waste.

"I can't help expressing my regret for such senseless action by the North's regime to go ahead with an immensely costly long-range rocket launch while its people cross the border because of political repression and hunger, to become fugitives in foreign countries," Yu told a forum.

The blast-off is intended as part of celebrations for the 100th birth anniversary of national founder Kim Il-Sung, whose son Jong-Il took over the impoverished nation after his father's death in 1994.

Kim Jong-Il died last December. His young and untested son and successor Jong-Un appears to be trying to bolster the dynasty's status with the launch.

Some analysts say the North is following the same pattern as in 2006 and 2009, when it responded to criticism of rocket launches with a nuclear test.

Daniel Pinkston, of the International Crisis Group think-tank, told a forum there is a "very high risk" of a third atomic test, probably using highly enriched uranium.

The North might also mount conventional skirmishes or other provocations against the South later this year, he said.


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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

ARTICLES MANIAC ? Use This Fitness Tips To Avoid Health Disease

Fitness is a state of mind, as well as a lifestyle. Starting out on a new fitness plan is easy. Get up and start moving and you are already on your way. This article is designed to give you some tips to help you develop a fitness regimen that works for you.

Cardiovascular Exercise

Even if you are using your fitness program to build muscle, you can benefit from cardiovascular exercise. Aerobic exercise will help build the endurance of your muscles, and also, improve your lung capacity so you can work out longer without becoming fatigued. In addition, it increases blood flow to your muscles so you can gain more muscle mass from other exercises.

Cardiovascular exercise should not be the only type of exercise you participate in, but it should definitely be a huge part of your workout. Walking on a treadmill is an efficient way to do this kind of exercise. It is recommended that you do not perform cardiovascular exercise more than an hour a day. The reason for this is you start to lose muscle mass. The right amount of cardiovascular activity really strengthens a person?s fitness level.

To prevent injury when working out, you should stretch after you?ve sufficiently warmed up your muscles. Do some cardiovascular exercises (jogging, running, bicycling, etc.) first and then stretch your muscles. If you stretch too early, you can leave yourself vulnerable to pulled or torn muscles. Stretching after cardiovascular exercise also helps to improve flexibility.

Being fit isn?t all about lifting weights. Cardiovascular exercise plays an important part of fitness as well. Activities, such as jogging or cycling, can get your heart pumping really fast, in order to burn off excess fat. It gives your muscles a workout and increases leg and core strength.

Many products promise to get rid of your beer belly and eliminate troublesome fat within the midsection, the most effective routes to core strength is very simple: running. Running burns fat and calories at a high rate. Abdominal strength and muscle training is important, but weight loss and fat burning come through cardiovascular exercise, as well.

Cardio training is also a vital piece of the overall fitness puzzle. Cardiovascular exercise ? exercise that elevates the heart rate and respiration ? burns fat, improves performance and contributes to overall health and fitness. In fact, it is no exaggeration to say that cardio is the most effective kind of exercise for keeping fit ? although it should not be anyone?s sole form of exercise.

Aerobic training greatly lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and helps maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. You should have a schedule for aerobic or cardiovascular exercise, and you should stick to that schedule. Three days a week at an hour a day is good, or you can choose to do thirty minutes to an hour daily. It is up to you, but you should always incorporate cardiovascular exercise into your routine. Get up and get going. Exercising is useful to our body. You don?t need to devote a lot of time to benefit from the results of starting a fitness plan. Incorporate the tips you?ve found here into your daily routine. The most important thing is that you do something, and your body will thank you.

Shayne West holds a Masters of Science Clinical Exercise Physiology, East Stroudsburg University, PA. For Additional Information: Please Visit


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Final Price=As Low As 2/$3 ($1.50 each)

Dentley?s Rawhide, Select Varieties, 1-100ct pkgs, $5

Milk-Bone Dog Treats, Select Varieties, 2.5, 7 & 10lb Boxes, $10
Use $1.50/2 Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, exp. 4/19/12 (RP 02/19/12)
FREE Milk-Bone Soft & Chewy or Healthy Favorites Dog Snack wyb (2) Dog Snacks, exp. 3/22/12 (RP 01/22/12)
Final Price=As Low As $9.25 each wyb (2) + FREE Soft & Chewy or Healthy Favorites Dog snacks

Fresh Step Cat Litter, All Varieties, 42lb pkg, $15

Canine Greenies Dental Chews, All Varieties, 36-oz Box, $36.99
Use $3/1 Greenies Canine Dental Chews, exp. 3/31/12 (RP 02/05/12)
Final Price=$33.99

Feline Greenies Dental Treats, All Varieties, 6-oz Pkg, $5

Whisker Lickin?s Cat Treats, Select Varieties, 2.1-3 oz Pkgs, 3/$3
Use $1/2 Purina Whisker Lickin?s, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price= 2/$0.50 ($0.25 each!)*CucKoO*

Arm & Hammer Cat Litter, All Varieties, 28-31lb Boxes, $10
Use $1/1 Arm & Hammer Clumping Cat Litter, exp. 12/31/12 (Peelie)
$1/1 Arm & Hammer Clumping Cat Litter printable
FREE After MIR Pet I.D. wyb (2) Arm & Hammer Cat Litter printable
Final Price=As Low As $9

Purina ONE & Purina ONE beyOnd Dog Food, All Varieties, 26-34lb Bags, $30 each
Use $2/1 Purina One Dry Dog Food or One Beyond Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 4/6/12 (SS 02/26/12)
Final Price=$28

Purina Beneful Dry Dog food, All Varieties, 31.1lb bag, $25
Use $2.50/1 Purina Beneful Brand Dog Food, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 02/19/12)
Final Price=$22.50

Beneful Prepared Meals Dog Food, All Varieties, 10-oz Tubs, 5/$9
Use B4G2 Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Brand Dog Food, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 02/19/12)
Final Price=6/$7.20 ($1.20 per tray)

Cesar Dog Food All Varieties, 3.5-oz Cup, Excludes Cesar Bistro, 10/$7
Use B3G1 Cesar Canine Cuisine Entree, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 03/04/12 R)
B2G1 Cesar Canine Cuisine printable
B2G1 Cesar Canine Cuisine Entree printable
Final Price=3/$1.40 ($0.47 each!)

Cesar Dog Treats, All Varieties, 6.7oz Pkg, 2/$5
Use $1.50/2 Cesar Treats, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 03/04/12 R)
Final Price=2/$3.50 ($1.75 each!)

Pedigree Dry Dog Food, All Varieties, 36-36.4 lb Bags, $20
Use $1/1 Pedigree Dry Dog Food, exp. 4/15/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$19

Pedigree Canned Dog food, All Varieties, 13.2 oz Cans, Excludes Pedigree+, 10/$7

Fancy Feast Canned Cat Food, All Varieities, Excludes Elegant Medleys, 3 oz Cans, 40/$22
Use $1/24 Fancy Feast Cans, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=24/$12.20 ($0.51 per Can)

Friskies Canned Cat Food, All Varieties, 5.5-oz Cans, 40/$18

Meow Mix Dry Cat Food, All Varieties, 13.5-17.6lb Bags, $10
Use $1/1 Meow Mix Dry Cat Food Bag, exp. 4/14/12 (RP 02/19/12)
Final Price=$9

Iams Dry Cat Food, Select Varieties, 20lb Bag, $28.99
Use $1/1 Iams Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 3/31/12 (P&G 03/04/12)
Final Price=$27.99

Tidy Cats Cat Litter, All Varieties, 35 lb Pail, $12.99
Use $1/1 Purina Tidy Cats, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=$11.99

15% Off All Cat Scratchers, All Dog & Cat Toys, All dog Collars, Leashes and Harnesses, All Dog Crates, All Dog Beds & All Dog Shampoo & Wipes.

$10 Off Select Hill?s Science Diet Cat Food, 15.5-17.5lb Bags

Hill?s Science Diet Ideal Balance Cat Food, 3-3.5lb Bags, $10
Use $5/1 Hill?s Science Diet Ideal Balance Cat or Dog Food, exp. 4/30/12 (SS 03/04/12)
$3/1 Hill?s Science Diet Ideal Balance Feline Dry Food, exp. 6/30/12 (SS 02/12/12)
Final Price=As Low As $5

Hill?s Science Diet Canned Cat Food, 5.5-oz Cans, 10/$8

$3 Off Purina Pro Plan Cat Food, All Varieties, 16lb Bag
Use $3/1 Purina Pro Plan Dry Cat Food printable
$3/1 Purina Pro Plan Dry Cat Food printable
$3/1 Purina Pro Plan Dry Cat Food printable
Final Price=Varies

Purina Pro Plan Canned Cat Food, 3oz Cans, 20/$12 (Excludes Pro Plan Selects)
Use FREE Purina Pro Plan Cat Food (by mail)
B2G2 Purina Pro Plan Cat Food printable
Final Price=As Low As 4/$1.20 ($0.30 per can)*CucKoO*

Purina ONE Cat Food, All Varieties, 16lb Bag, $21.99**BONUS**Get 5 Items FREE With 16lb bag Purchase**You will get 4-Purina One canned cat food, 3-oz cans AND Any 1 Friskies Party Mix Cat Treats, 2.1-oz Pouch(Max $5.31 Value)
Use $1/1 Purina One Brand Dry Cat Food, exp. 5/2/12 (SS 02/05/12 R)
$1/1 Purina ONE Dry Cat Food, exp. 8/3/12 (Product Insert)
Final Price=$20.99 For 16lbs Dry Food, (4) 3-oz Cans of Wet Food & (1) Bag of Treats



Purina Friskies Cat Treats, $1.52
Use $0.50/1 Purina Friskies Cat Treats, exp. 5/18/12 (RP 03/18/12)
$1/2 Purina Friskies Crispies Cat Treats, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 01/15/12)
$0.50/1 Purina Friskies Brand Cat Treats, exp. 4/19/12 (RP 02/19/12)
Final Price=$1.02

Purina Friskies Variety 24Pk Pouches Cat Food, $11.48
Use $1 off Purina Friskies Canned Cat Food or Friskies Pouch, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 01/15/12)
$1 off Purina Friskies Cans or Pouches, exp. 6/18/12 (RP 03/18/12)
$1 off Purina Friskies Canned Cat Food or Friskies Pouch, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 01/15/12)
Final Price=As Low As $10.48

Purina Friskies Variety Pack Canned Cat Food 12-Pk/5.5oz Cans, $5.98
Use $0.50 off Purina Friskies Indoor Cans, Plus Brand Adult Canned Cat Food or Variety Pack of Friskies Canned Cat Food, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 01/15/12)
$1 off Purina Friskies Cans or Pouches, exp. 6/18/12 (RP 03/18/12)
$1 off Purina Friskies Canned Cat Food or Friskies Pouch, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 01/15/12)
Final Price=As Low As $4.98 ($0.41 Per Can)

Purina Mighty Dog Canned Dog Food, $0.60 Each!
Use $3 off Purina Mighty Dog, exp. 5/7/12 (RP 03/18/12)
$2 off Purina Mighty Dog, exp. 3/19/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
$1/6 Purina Mighty Dog printable
Final Price=As Low As $0.35 each wyb (12)*CucKoO*

Purina Mighty Dog Variety Pack Canned Dog Food 12-Pk, $7
Use $3 off Purina Mighty Dog, exp. 5/7/12 (RP 03/18/12)
$2 off Purina Mighty Dog, exp. 3/19/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=As Low As $4 ($0.33 Per Can!)*CucKoO*

Chef Michael?s Dry Dog Food, 4.5lb Bag, $9.88
Use $3/1 Purina Chef Michael?s Dog Food, exp.4/15/12(SS 3/18/12)
Final Price=$6.88

Purina Puppy Chow Dry Dog Food, 4.4lb Bag, $5.24
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog chow, Active Senior 7+, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels or Fit & Trim Dog Food 4lb+, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 3/18/12)
Final Price=$4.24

Purina Dog Chow Dry Dog Food, 4.4lb Bag, $4.97
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog chow, Active Senior 7+, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels or Fit & Trim Dog Food 4lb+, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 3/18/12)
Final Price=$3.97

Purina Little Bites Dry Dog Food, 4lb Bag, $4.97
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog chow, Active Senior 7+, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels or Fit & Trim Dog Food 4lb+, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 3/18/12)
Final Price=$3.97

Purina ONE BeYond Dry Cat Food, 1lb Box, $2.57
Use $2/1 Purina One Dry Dog Food or One Beyond Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 4/6/12 (SS 02/26/12)
Final Price=$0.57*CucKoO*

Rollback Prices:

Canine Carry-Outs Dog Snacks, 7oz Pkg, $1 was $1.38

Pedigree Dentastix Large Dog Treats, $2.97 was $3.72

Use $1/2 Pedigree Treats For Dogs, exp. 4/15/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$2.47 each wyb (2)

Kibble Select Complete Dry Dog Food, 4lb Bag, $4.02 was $4.47

Iams Healthy Naturals Dry Cat Food, 3.5lb Bag, $6.90 was $7.67
Use $1/1 Iams Dry Dog or Cat Food, exp. 3/31/12 (P&G 03/04/12)
$1/1 Iams Dog or Cat Food Bag, exp. 1/31/13 (Package Insert)
Final Price=$5.90



*FREE $5 Gift Card wyb Purina Dog or Puppy Chow AND Beggin? Strips 25 oz*

Purina Dog Chow 20 lb or Puppy Chow, $11.49
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog Chow, Active Senior, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels, or Fit & Trim, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 03/18/12)
Final Price=$10.49

Purina Beggin? Strips 25oz, $8.99
Use $2/2 Purina Beggin? Product, exp. 4/8/12 (SS 01/08/12)
$1/2 Purina Beggin? Dog Snacks, exp. 5/26/12 (SS 02/26/12)
$1/2 Purina Beggin Product, exp. 9/20/12 (Peelie)
$2/1 Purina Beggin? Dog Snacks, exp. 5/26/12 (SS 02/26/12)
Final Price=As Low As $6.99

Deal Scenario:

Buy Purina Dog Chow, $11.49 And
Buy Purina Beggin? Strips 25oz, $8.99
Use $2/1 Purina Beggin? Dog Snacks, exp. 5/26/12 (SS 02/26/12)
$1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog Chow, Active Senior, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels, or Fit & Trim, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 03/18/12)
Pay $17.48 Get Back $5 Target Gift Card
Final Price=$12.48 or $6.24 each!

Target Printable Store Coupons:

$3/2 Select Pedigree Dog Food Items
$1/6 Mighty Dog Canned Dog Food
B10G1 FREE Cesar Wet Dog Food, 3.5oz
$0.75/1 Purina Beneful Baked Delights Dog Treats 9oz+
$2/1 Purina Beneful Dry Dog Food 3.5lb+
$2/1 Pedigree Dry Dog Food 36lb+
B2G1 FREE Beneful Prepared Meals 10oz Wet Dog Food
FREE 6.7-oz Cesar Softies Dog Treats With Purchae of 12-Pk Cesar Wet Dog Food



Purina Kitten or Cat Chow Dry Cat Food, 3.15-3.5lb Bags, $3.99 each
Use $0.75/1 Purina Cat Chow or Kitten Chow, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=$3.24

Whiskas Dry Cat Food, 3lb Bag, $3.99
Use $1/1 Whiskas Dry Food For Cats, exp. 4/28/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$2.99

Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats, 2.1-3 oz Pkgs, 2/$3
Use $0.50/1 Whiskas Temptations Treats For Cats, exp. 4/14/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$1 each!

Alpo Come $ Get It! Dry Dog Food, 47lb Bag, $17.97

Purina Dog Chow, Fit?N Trim or Puppy Chow Dry Dog Food, 17.6-20lb. Bags, $10.99 each!
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog Chow, Active Senior, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels, or Fit & Trim, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 03/18/12)
Final Price=$9.99

Alpo Variety Pack Canned Dog Food 12ct., $8.49

Beggin? Strips 14oz or T-Bonz 28oz Dog Treats 2/$11
Use $2/2 Purina Beggin? Product, exp. 4/8/12 (SS 01/08/12)
$1/1 Purina T-Bonz or Tiny T-Bonz, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
$1/2 Purina Beggin? Dog Snacks, exp. 5/26/12 (SS 02/26/12)
$1/2 Purina Beggin Product, exp. 9/20/12 (Peelie)
Final Price=As Low As 2/$9 ($4.50 each)


Dollar General:

Beneful Dry Dog Food Original, Playful Life or Healthy Weight, 3.5lb Bags, $5
Use $2.50/1 Purina Beneful Brand Dog Food, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 02/19/12)
$1.50/1 Purina Beneful Dog Food, exp. 4/1/12 (Kroger, Healty Pets Home Mailer)
Final Price=As Low As $2.50

EverPet Gourmet Dry Cat Food, 13.75lb Bag, $7

Cat Fancier Scoopable Cat Litter, 10lb Jug, $3.85

Pedigree Canned Dog Food, 22-oz Cans, $1 each

EverPet Basics Dry Dog Food, 30lb Bag, $8.95


Family Dollar:

Prices Valid Until 3/20/12

Pedigree Canned Dog Food, 22-oz Can, $1 each w/in-ad Coupon (limit 12)

Whiskas Dry Cat Food, 3.3lb Bag, $3.75
Use $1/1 Whiskas Dry Food For Cats, exp. 4/28/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$2.75

Whiskas Choice Cuts 12-Pk Pouches Cat Food, $4.50

Purina Puppy Chow Dry Food, 4.4lb Bag, $5
Use $1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog Chow, Active Senior, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels, or Fit & Trim, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 03/18/12)
Final Price=$4

Purina Kitten Chow Dry Food, 18oz Pkg, $1.85
Use $0.75/1 Purina Cat Chow or Kitten Chow, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=$1.10

Whiskas Temptations Cat Treats, 3oz Pkg, $1.50
Use $0.50/1 Whiskas Temptations Treats For Cats, exp. 4/14/12 (RP 03/04/12)
Final Price=$1 each!

Fresh Step Cat Litter, 21lb Bag, $7.50

Family Pet Litter Box, $2.75

Family Pet Kibble Variety Dry Dog Food, 4lb Bag, $3.25

Family Pet Gourmet Variety Dry Cat Food, 3lb Bag, $2
Use $0.50/1 Any Family Pet Dry Cat Food 3lb+ Bag (Limit 1)
Final Price=$1.50

Family Dollar In-Ad Store Coupons:

$2/1 Any Family Pet Bed Or Bed In Bag (Limit 1)
$0.50/1 Any Family Pet Dog Biscuits 3lb+ Bag (Limit 1)
$0.50/1 Any Family Pet Dry Cat Food 3lb+ Bag (Limit 1)
$0.75/1 Any Family Pet Variety Dog Food 12lb+ Bag (Limit 1)


Iams Mini-Chunks Proactive Health Dry Dog Food, 3.5lb Bags(Pack of 5), $35.85
Use $1/1 Iams Dry Dog or Cat Food
Final Price=$34.85 ($1.99 Per LB or $0.13 Per oz.)

Beneful Baked Delights Snackers Dog Snack, 12.5-oz. (Pack of 5), $22.96 ($0.37 per oz)

Purina Chef Michael?s Canine Creations Sirloin Steak in Sauce Canned Dog Food, 24/3-oz Cans, $22 ($0.92 Per Can)

Friskies Prime Filets Meaty Selections 24-Count Cans Variety Pack, Poultry & Beef, 8.25-Pound Box, $11.48 ($.048 Per Can)

Friskies Party Mix, Beachside Crunch Cat Treats, Shrimp, Crab & Tuna Flavors, 6-Ounce Pouches (Pack of 7), $20.76 ($0.49 per oz.)

Purina Friskies Feline Favorites Cat Food, 16lb Bag, $16.82 ($1.05 Per LB.)

Amazon Coupons:

$1/1 Iams Dry Dog or Cat Food

Other Stores



Beneful Prepared Meals Dog Food, 10oz Tubs, 4/$6
Use B4G2 Purina Beneful Prepared Meals Brand Dog Food, exp. 3/25/12 (RP 02/19/12)
Final Price=$1 each wyb (6)

9 Lives Canned Cat Food 4-Pk, 4/$6

Pup-Peroni, T-Bonz or Milk-Bone Dog Treats, 5.6-26 oz. Pkgs, 2/$5
Use $1/1 Purina T-Bonz or Tiny T-Bonz, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
$1/2 Pup-Peroni Product, exp. 5/31/12 (RP 03/11/12 R)
$1.50/2 Pup-Peroni Product, exp. 5/31/12 (RP 03/11/12 R)
$1/1 Pup-Peroni Product, exp. 5/31/12 (RP 03/11/12)
$1/1 Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, exp. 3/31/12 (RP 01/22/12)
$1/1 Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, exp. 4/1/12 (Kroger, Healty Pets Home Mailer)
$1.50/2 Pup-Peroni Dog Snacks, exp. 3/31/12 (RP 01/22/12 R)
$1.50/2 Milk-Bone Dog Snacks, exp. 4/19/12 (RP 02/19/12)
FREE Milk-Bone Soft & Chewy or Healthy Favorites Dog Snack wyb (2) Dog Snacks, exp. 3/22/12 (RP 01/22/12)
Final Price=As Low As $1.50 each



None This Week


Rite Aid:

Meow Mix Dry Cat Food, 3.5lb Bag, $3.99
Use $0.75/1 Meow Mix Dry Cat Food, exp. 5/5/12 (RP 03/11/12 R)
$1/1 Meow Mix Dry Cat Food Bag, exp. 4/14/12 (RP 02/19/12)
$1/1 Meow Mix Dry Cat Food, exp. 5/5/12 (RP 03/11/12)
Final Price=As Low As $2.99

Kibbles ?n Bits Dry Dog Food, 4lb Bag, $3.99
Use $1/1 Kibbles ?n Bits Dry Dog Food printable
Final Price=$2.99

Fancy Feast Canned Cat Food, 3oz Cans, 10/$6
Use $1/24 Fancy Feast Cans, exp. 4/29/12 (RP 01/29/12 #2)
Final Price=$0.56 each wyb (24)


Best Pet Coupons:


Printable Coupons:

$1/2 Rachael Ray Nutrish Naturally Delish Wet Dog Food Tubs
$1/1 Milo?s Kitchen Dog Treats (Found Under Zip Code 10007)
$1/1 Fresh Step Cat Litter 34lb Box (Found Under Zip Code 10007)
$1/1 Sergeant?s Dentafresh Tasty Cat Treats (Found Under Zip Code 10007)

$3/1 Hill?s Science Diet Light Bag, (12) Light Cans OR (2) Bags of Light Treats
$3/1 World?s Best Cat Litter Clumping Formulas

$1/6 Mighty Dogs Canned Dog Food


Save $0.75 OYNO wyb (2) Canine Carry-Outs Dog Snacks

Miscellaneous Printables:

$1/1 OUT! Training Pads For Puppies
$2/1 Kaytee Wild Bird Feeder (.pdf coupon) Exp. 4/30/12
$2/1 Scott?s Songbird NutriThrive Bird Food
$5/2 PetArmor 3-ct Pkgs For Dogs or Cats

Sunday Paper Insert Coupons

Smart Source:

$1/1 Purina Puppy Chow, Dog chow, Active Senior 7+, Little Bites, Healthy Morsels or Fit & Trim Dog Food 4lb+, exp. 4/15/12 (SS 3/18/12)
$3/1 Purina Chef Michael?s Dog Food, exp.4/15/12(SS 3/18/12)
B1G1 FREE Beneful Baked Delights Dog Snacks Up To $4.29, exp.4/18/12(SS 3/18/12-R)
B4G2 FREE Purina Chef Michael?s Canned Dog Food Up To $2.20, exp.4/15/12(SS

Red Plum:

$0.50/1 Purina Friskies Cat Treats, exp.4/30/12(RP 3/18/12)
$0.50/4 Purina Friskies Plus Cans or Indoor Wet Cat Food, exp.6/18/12(RP 3/18/12)
$1/24 Fiskies 5.5oz Cans or (2)12-ct. Variety Packs or (1)24-ct. Variety Pack Canned or Pouches Cat Food, exp.6/18/12(RP 3/18/12)
$3/12 Purina Mighty Dogs Cans or (1)12-ct. Variety Pack Cans Dog Food, exp.5/7/12(RP3/18/12)


Pet Rebates:

Arm & Hammer Cat Litter-Buy a 20-lb pkg of Arm & Hammer Ultra Last Baking Soda Coated Clumping Cat Litter and Receive a Rebate Check By Mail (Up To $8.99) Ends 3/31/12
Hill?s Science Diet Ideal Balance Dog Food-Receive up to $12.99 back by mail when you buy Hill?s Science Diet Balance Dry Dog Food 4-lb Bag. Ends 3/31/12
Feline Pine Cat Litter-Buy Feline Pine Clumping Cat Litter and receive a rebate check up to $14.99 back by mail. Ends 9/30/12
Dr. Elsey?s Precious Cat Litter-Rebate is good on any size and has no expiration date. Limited to one request per lifetime. Multiple requests will be rejected and materials will not be returned.
World?s Best Cat Litter Rebate-Good on one 7 or 8-lb Bag.
Feline Fresh Cat Litter-Rebate Valid Until 12/12

Hill?s Science Diet Dog or Cat Food-Pledge to help your pet and get Free Science Diet Dog or Cat Food after Mail-in Rebate! This is up to a $13.99 value! Purchase a 5lb bag between now and 4/30/12 and send in your rebate postmarked before 5/31/12


Pet Freebies:

New Pet Freebies:

FREE Download e-book ?The Dog Cancer Diet?

Previous Pet Freebies:

FREE BARF Diet Dog Food Sample Pack

Doggyloot is a Daily Deal Site for Dogs. They offer both National and Local Deals on all kinds of products, foods and treats for your furry friend! Sign-up and Receive a $10 Doggyloot Credit, Plus Refer Friends and Get a $10 Doggyloot Credit once they make their first purchase! There is no limit to how much you can earn!
FREE ?Lessons in Stalking-Adjusting To Life With Cat? By Dena Harris Book Download (Must sign-up for the Hartz Newsletter First)
FREE Sample of Bully Sticks Dog chews (1st 150 Per Month)
FREE Sample of Cocosoya Oil Horse Feed Supplement
FREE Foxden Equine Sample (Call-In To 540-337-5450)
FREE Sample of NU Pro All-Natural Ferret Supplement (Call-In To 1-800-360-3300)
FREE Carefresh Lesson in a Box Small Animal Pet Care Classroom Kit (Limit of ONE per teacher per year) Great For Home School Teachers!
FREE 100% Cruelty-Free PETA Stickers
FREE Alpo ?Real Dogs Of America? Membership Kit
FREE Sample Pack Nordic Naturals Sport, Pet and Wellness.
FREE Sample of Pork Chomps Dog Chews. Send Email with your name, address, number of dogs you own and their sizes to
FREE Halo Spots Stew Can Pet Food
FREE White?s Premium Dog Food Sample
FREE Newsletter. (Includes Pet Tips, what?s new with talktothevet, pet deals, new local vets, pet health info. and more!)
FREE Sample of Riddick?s Dog Treats (Contact them through this form to request a sample. Just add your shipping info. in the box)
FREE Sample of Dry Stall for Horses (US & CANADA)
FREE Copy of ?5 Simple Things You Must Do Right Now to Protect Your Dog From Death-By-Disease!?
FREE Purina PRO Club Starter Kit For Owners Or Breeders of 5+ Dogs or
FREE Shampoo or Conditioner For Dog Groomers From Double K Industries.
FREE Brothers Complete Pet Food Sample (Email Request to and include ?SAMPLE? in your subject line and your mailing address in the email along with your sample selection. Choose from Red Meat Protein, White Meat Protein, Fish Protein, Allergy Turkey or Fish Protein Cat.
FREE Ark Naturals Pet Food Sample + Coupons(Email Request to: and include you mailing address. This was advertised in the Winter 2012 issue of Dog Fancy Magazine.
FREE Purina Beneful Baked Delights Dog Treats Combo Sample from Walmart?s website. You?ll see the image above on the 1st screen (it rotates between 2).

Thanks, KillerFreebies, FreeSamples2FillUpYourMailbox, CouponCat, FreakyFreddies & SassySue!


Green & Clean Sweepstakes:
Enter HERE to win a $300 PawGanics Prize Package. Visit their Facebook Page and ?like? them to be eligible. Eight lucky winners will be chosen!

The Royal Canin Treatment sweepstakes. Your Little Dog Could Win BIG! Enter HERE

*FREE dog food and grooming for life
*A $1,000 accessories shopping spree
*Hundreds of dog toys and accessories

Unleashed By Petco: Green & Clean Sweepstakes-Enter HERE to win a $300 PawGanics Prize Package. (Eight lucky winners will be chosen!) One Time Entry!

Enter Your Pet Photo for a chance to win $1000. The prize will go to the photo with the most votes. Click HERE to get more info. and to submit your pet?s photo for a chance to win.

Hartz Angry Birds Pet Toys ?Whack the Crate!? The Grand Prize is a Hartz Gift Basket valuing $250. You can also win the following prizes instantly:
1 of 6 Hartz? Angry Birds Prize Packs valuing $75 each
1 of 6 Hartz? Products Packs valuing in $125 each
1 of 12 Hartz? Mini-Packs valuing $8.50 each. Includes one large Angry Birds Plush Head with Soundchip and one Coupon for Crunch ?n Clean? Pet Treats
Up to $1.00 off digital coupon for Crunch ?n Clean? pet treats

Pet Resources:

Low Cost or Free Spay List of programs that provide low cost or free spay/neuter for cats, listed by state.
Find the Perfect Pet to Adopt at

Did You Know?

Only 1 out of 10 dogs and 1 out of 12 cats born ever finds a permanent home.
800 Cats and Dogs are euthanized EVERY hour in the US because there aren?t enough homes.
PLEASE Spay and Neuter Your Pets!!

Interesting Pet Facts:

Cats can hear ultrasound.

Cat?s urine glows under a black light.

Dog have superior hearing than humans, capable of hearing sounds at four times the distance.

In total there is said to be around 400 million dogs in the world.

Thanks Cuckoo for Coupon and Deals!


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Tips to help you cope with the diabetes prognosis - Health And ...

People of all ages, all races, all cultures, and all body types can contract diabetes. It?s a disease that attacks your body?s ability to regulate blood sugar. It is a problem that can have serious knock-on effects, so it?s important to know how to control it. This article is designed to equip you with some very useful information on the subject.

With regards to coping with all forms of diabetes, make sure that you are not doing it alone. It is important because it is much easier to handle difficulties such as this if you have a close friend there to help a person deal with this. This could be advantageous most likely through advice that they can supply or just insurance firms someone to talk to.

If you are diabetic, take in large glycemic food items sparingly. This particular number of food items consists of refined white-colored breads, whitened entree, and refined grain. Simply because trigger your blood sugar to improve quickly, which makes it hard to handle. Add more vegetables and fruit to your diet to prevent completing upon these types of junk foods.

To avoid sugar but still sweeten your food, ask about neotame. Neotame is an FDA approved sweetener that has been confirmed safe for sufferers of diabetes. Neotame is extremely sweet, so only a small amount needs to be used. This will allow you to curb your sweet tooth without jeopardizing your health.

Diabetics MUST visit their doctor regularly to keep tabs on their blood sugar, weight, and medications. Your physician might know of a new treatment that could be useful to you, or see something in your blood work that indicates there is a problem. Having your doctor weigh you will also give you an accurate measurement of how well you?re keeping your weight under control.

To aid your self harmful foods during the holiday season, consume a lower index goody just before venturing out to parties. This can control your appetite and definately will help you to just appreciate snacks sparingly. Celebrate simply around the foods you like the most, and prevent treats such as dips and biscuits.

Once you reduce carbs, the real difference should be made up within proteins as well as excess fat. Over the long run, keeping healthful bodyweight likely concerns greater than obsessing more than carbs. The U . s . All forms of diabetes Association points too about half of your diet plan result from healthy sugars for example whole grains, vegetables and fruit. The others will come coming from healthy proteins, fat-free milk as well as wholesome fat.

When you?ve got all forms of diabetes, foot problems are constantly a problem. Constantly be sure you are putting on the proper footwear so that you usually do not develop some of these issues. Footwear together with correct air flow are necessary. The greater air in which grows to your feet the higher blood flow you will get. Sandals are essential regarding summer season weather conditions.

Because diabetes is so common, there are many, many tips out there that will help you live a healthy and well regulated lifestyle with the disease. You should be focusing on staying healthy if you have diabetes, and the tips in the above article can help you out tremendously. Don?t neglect to use them.

Learn more about Hypoglycemia without Diabetes. Stop by Jeff Corby?s site where you can find out all about Low estrogen symptoms and what it can do for you.

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Technorati Tags: diabetes, disease, health, health and fitness


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Swimming Pools And Their Types - Kusiquyllur Home Improvement ...

6563874969 16beafb4ca m Swimming Pools And Their Types

Swimming pools are the latest addition to home improvement resources. They are not only a great source of luxury but they also add a touch of class to your home and make it look high standard and sophisticated.

Swimming pools come in various shapes and sizes. They are also of different types to suit different purposes. A swimming pool which is meant as a home accessory is relatively smaller in size as compared to the pools which are used for resorts and big hotels.

Some pools needs to be installed by expert mechanics, who specializes in this job while some can be easily installed like the pools which are air-filled or water-filled like the wading-pool in your backyard.

Types Of Swimming Pools:

Splasher Pool: a splasher pools is a specialized swimming pool which is made up of PVC pipes that are molded in the form of a frame that is strong enough to hold a bladder that holds water. This pool is round or oval in shape. It is strong enough to hold at least 20,000 gallons of water. And it can be as big as 17/50 foot in size.
Wading Pool: these pools are ideal for small kids. This pool is made up of plastic or inflatable material. This type of pool is not equipped with any kind of filtration therefore the water in the pool needs to be changed daily.
Exercise Pool: these pools come in different variety ranging from a smaller mobile pool to the ones which are in-ground in structure. They are not very deep and are slender they do provide the swimmers with resistant currents that are difficult to swim against.
Above Ground: these pools are constructed above the surface area of the ground by the help of vinyl liners. These pools have a filter and they require to be winterized during cold seasons.
In Ground Pool: these pools are made below the ground level they are concrete in nature and they are painted with chlorinated rubber paints.

These are a few different types of pool which finds usage in our life. For details refer home improvement blogs.




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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Coup-prone Guinea-Bissau to hold presidential election

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The Major Ten Recommendations For Horse Care |

Certainly, basic horse care needs a big effort more than looking after some other pets. Horses will need best attention as well as treatment. You have to give attention to spending a sizable part of your time dealing with your horse. If you are a first-time horse owner, don?t trouble yourself, horse care is surely an amazing encounter. You will understand numerous things. Horse care may be a main task to consider, but if you take the time to study a number of good tips, the experience will no doubt be a pleasure to suit your needs along with your horse too.

Riding your own horse isn?t only an enjoyable experience for you personally, however it is likewise beneficial to the well-being of the horse as well. It is exercise, but it is another great way to watch your horse from each and every angle.

To thrive, the horse must be groomed frequently and taken good care of. Try to monitor if you will find scrapes and cuts and make sure to supply cure as quickly as possible.

As being an important portion of the grooming, you have to brush the mane and tail of your horse. To get rid of the dirt and get rid of the tangles, employ a fine brush.

Being a safety precaution, make certain that the saddle and girdle usually are not very loose or very tight just before riding the horse. Make certain the horse is in addition comfortable with the saddle and girdle.

With sufficient breaks for rest and water in between, it is recommended you exercise the horse for a minimum of two hours.

Know that too much water for the horse will make your pet sick. Therefore, you should monitor the water intake of the horse in order that he will certainly not go overboard with it.

The stall or maybe the stables will be the home of the horse. It is crucial that it?s as comfortable as is feasible. To make it comfortable, use wood shavings and straws. To guard from germs and diseases, ensure that you clean filthy stables.

Make sure that this horse identifies you as his friend. Always show the horse that you will constantly provide food for him. Provide periodic treats to make your horse feel loved.

I will tell you that horse care is just a fun activity. Rather than viewing it as a tiresome course of action, take pleasure in the time dealing with your horse. Love the horse and you will be rewarded with a lot more honest affection and companionship than you?ve ever known.


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Saturday, March 17, 2012

Your Bank and Organization Loans ? Truth Check | Dreamhost ...

Business managers and professionals want to compare gear finance companies to their financial institution and rightly so a financial institution is usually a firm?s primary reference point when applying for capital or funding gear or even an enlargement challenge. A financial institution is one of evident starting point for along with a secure location to retail store your dollars and apply their a number of services. But what financial institution doesn?t do well, the two in times past because of their design as well as the the latest shrinking of the credit current market, is offer you business funding for investment capital belongings (gear). Still lots of people get puzzled when you are evaluating an equipment personal loan as they are not witnessing an entire picture this is a instance the place you undoubtedly want to compare apples to apples to get the best final results.

Here are a couple issues that compares these bankruptcies are not guaranteed but based upon numerous practical experience, these movements implement most of enough time.

1) Whole Pounds Funded ? financial institutions ordinarily involve that you simply maintain a balance of 20Per cent or 30Per cent of the gear the amount you want on deposit. This causes them to be only funding 70Per cent or 80Per cent of your respective gear expenditures because you have and keep plenty of YOUR money in the repaired bill for the duration of the financial loan. As opposed, fotografia slubna an equipment finance enterprise will cover 100Per cent of the gear including all IntenderIn expenditures all of which will only inquire a a few four week period prepayment. No repaired debris needed.

2) Tender Prices ? financial institutions can also ordinarily not protect IntenderIn expenditures like work, warrantees, asking and installation meaning these expenditures come out of your wallet. A tool finance enterprise will cover 100Per cent of the gear amount including IntenderIn expenditures and a few tasks may be borrowed with 100Per cent IntenderIn expenditures which no financial institution would possibly consider.

3) Home Interest Rates ? right here is the most widely used problem in the finance world what is my amount? If your financial institution involves 30Per cent deposit in the repaired bill then that routinely lifts a 5Per cent rate to a 20Per cent amount. Now individuals will dispute that you receive that transferred a reimbursement at the conclusion of the word but that?s capital which you don?t need to access to and contains a chance price involving it. Gear finance companies focus on their funding premiums among 3-5Per cent for locations and 7-9Per cent for private funding this is a true set rate and never below-expressed since the financial institution premiums may be as a result self-sufficient finance enterprise premiums have become reasonably competitive with InrealIn financial institution premiums.

4) Practice Rate ? financial institutions usually bring weeks to examine and agree to a finance inquire although self-sufficient finance companies ordinarily generally take 2 or 3 days and might work additional rapidly. Financing underwriters only assessment business funding although a financial institution has other desires prohibitory their route.

Financial institutions in addition have many more quantities of approval and assessment to move although self-sufficient finance companies ordinarily have only two, underwriting and credit board. Even with difficult discounts, the finance firm?s method is always faster.

5) Assurance ? financial institutions involve, to be a common portion of their documents, a umbrella mortgage on all belongings, the two personal and business belongings are used as promise in opposition to normal to the personal loan. Your business belongings, the home, your car, and also your motorboat can be at risk when accepting a financial institution deal. It can possibly be using an gear bank yet, if your business procedure is synthetic cleaning agent then only your company is going to be detailed as collateral and never your own belongings video clips a Incorp onlyIn approval.

6) Keeping track of ? financial institutions involve each year Inlso are-getting qualifiedIn of their business accounts meaning to the anniversary day of your respective personal loan annually, you must upload wanted economic files to guarantee your budget that things going well surely nothing has afflicted your company in the negative way. Organizations undertake and don?t whatever in the name of the personal loan or finance so long as the regular monthly debts are paid promptly. No-one is going to be checking into your company or looking after everything you do.

Whilst comparing your financial institution funding for an self-sufficient gear finance enterprise, you must make confident you are considering the many major guidelines, not only one. Plainly, the small print and terms of the deal will be more critical compared to the huge volumes. Financial institutions work efficiently within their space or room but have verified over and over to not ever be as accommodating or answer-oriented as a possible self-sufficient finance enterprise which just is focused on business loaning may be.I?d like to become a young man


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Is Your Home Boring? Try These Home ... - Energy Efficiency

One important home improvement tip is to make sure that water runs away from your house when it storms. You can give a small incline to your or you can make the downspout release the water far from your home.

Have a handy organizer where you keep different types of fasteners. When it?s time do some random project, like hang a picture or fix a broken table leg, you will have what you need on hand, rather than having to go to a hardware store to pick up tools.

As you plan a project, safety should be your first consideration. These precautions are necessary to ensure that your home and you can be safe from injury. Adhere to all instructions and tutorials for your power tools at the start of your renovation.

Try swapping the lights in your home for ones that use energy efficiently. In addition to being good for the environment and lowering your electric bill, they are more long-lasting than traditional bulbs. Use florescent or LED bulbs to save money.

Rewiring and plumbing are the best places to start in renovation. This sort of repair takes place within the walls, so naturally you will want to take care of them before doing cosmetic work. Additionally, it?s much easier and less costly to get your plumbing and electrical maintentance done when walls are already torn open.

Stucco could be a better option for you if you are replacing siding on your house. Stucco is a long-lasting siding option, although professional assistance may be required.

If your home improvement project means working near a gas line from a stove, furnace, fireplace or other fixture, ensure that you know exactly where the gas shutoff is before you start working. You should exhibit caution when you are doing this. Getting injured or starting a fire is not something that you want to happen as a result of your work.

You can create an appealing and unique bookcase by using wallpaper. Make sure you pick a wallpaper that is visually striking as well as different. Put the wall paper on the back side of the bookshelf, when you put the books on it will show from behind them. This will not only give your old bookcase a design boost, but give a focal point to your room.

Be sure to look for damages on your roof each spring. Be on the lookout for shingles that have blistered or curled, and replace the damaged ones. Taking care of minor damage to your roof when you see it will prevent you from having to take care of major and expensive issues later.

Start forming a plan now. By compiling a list as you go along you will have a better idea of what you want when the time comes. You?ll be much less stressed during your project if you don?t feel rushed.

Do you have old, ugly furniture that you can?t bear to get rid of? Try to give them new life by adding a new finish. If you do this, you?ll have personalized furniture that looks brand new at a fraction of the cost. There are a variety of staining options available for any type of furniture.

Remember, it is perfectly possible to complete whichever home improvement project that you choose to undertake. When you are undertaking home repairs, make sure that you don?t discount any possibilities for improvements. This article is manufactured to provide you with the tips to make your home the most improved. Keep these tips in mind and you will have a modern home again!

Richie Vee, the site?s editor, is the Chief Engineer of one of the largest Platinum LEED buildings in NYC. His extensive engineering experience helps guide consumers through home improvement projects for the average homeowner. Using home solar energy and roofing repair ideas to save them money.


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